We are one of the country’s leading physiotherapy practices, with clinics in Manchester, Wilmslow, Altrincham and Wigan. We bring our standards of elite professional care to everyone. All our physiotherapists are HCPC registered.
A number of things sets us apart from the rest
Harris & Ross, formed from the desire to be able to bring the same level of care provided to elite athletes to the general public; bridging the gap between how professional sports people were being treated and what was available to everyone else. Our Director and much of the team, hail from the elite sports world and bring their experience and skillset to the table, welcoming ALL who come through our clinic doors.
With world-class credentials, we are recognised as one of the country’s leading authorities on post-operative knee, shoulder and spinal rehabilitation. We aim to get you back to full fitness in the shortest, most appropriate time frame. With our experienced staff, access to state-of-the-art facilities and our close relationships with some of the UK’s leading surgeons and radiologists, create a complete, bespoke care package for our patients. So, whether you’re a professional athlete, an office worker or a labourer, we want to work with you to relieve any pain, fix the root cause of your problem and help you achieve your goals.
The healing qualities of water therapy are unique and extremely effective alongside our other healthcare services.
Acupuncture stimulates endorphins and oxytocin; the body’s own pain and stress relieving chemicals. Evidence suggests it can produce a good reduction in pain.
Shockwave is a safe, non-invasive, non-surgical solution for persistent soft tissue problems. It is clinically proven, recognised by the top orthopaedic hospitals and used by high profile professional sports bodies.
Our High Performance Team is made up of strength and conditioning specialists, physiotherapists and our podiatrist, each of them bringing a wealth of experience to each patient. Clubs, teams, and individuals travel miles to visit our clinics, as they know we will get their bodies optimised.
Our team helps companies with weekly, monthly or one-off visits. They can offer massage, pop up physiotherapy, practical advice, talks and more. Get in touch to discuss your requirements, for your very own bespoke wellness package.
Our team offer pre and post event support for various sporting events, whether it’s a 10k, cycling event or a triathlon. As well as massage, we can offer stretching advice, warm up and cool down videos for participants or any other bespoke requirement you may have.
Who each offers the best personal and professional care possible
Jeff’s knowledge of complex conditions is unparalleled and combining this with his extremely meticulous and logical approach to physiotherapy, he has been able to help thousands of everyday patients overcome the very hardest of injuries, rehabilitating them back to full health.
Suzy was Head Physio at Stockport Rugby Union Club, then worked with the young players at Manchester City FC where she met Jeff. She loves the variety that physiotherapy brings her.
Andy came to us following his role as Head Of Physiotherapy for Liverpool FC. Andy has also acted as a Consultant to the Premier League for several years, and has presented at Elite National Performance Conferences, and published the world’s first Injury Audit following UEFA guidelines within elite youth football.
Our success has been built on referrals and recommendations
Call 0161 832 9000 or email info@harrisandross.co.uk for free friendly professional advice
Harris and Ross Wilmslow clinic is now open 6 days a week, so if you are suffering from an acute condition or need an emergency consultation, we will try our best to arrange an appointment with a therapist on the very same day.
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