Harris & Ross are proud to announce the launch of a brand new department which will focus on football rehabilitation for players across the UK. Harris & Ross are one of the leading sports physiotherapy practices in the country.
Founder – Jeff Ross – set up the medical department at Manchester City and Harris & Ross now employs several leading practitioners hailing from premier league football club backgrounds. With a high performance gym on site, the best in diagnostic equipment & expert knowledge in the area – rehabilitation work with footballers is now a specialist service being offered by Harris & Ross to clubs across the UK.
What We Offer:
Professional rehabilitation services lead by Andy Renshaw – former Head of Physiotherapy at Liverpool FC, who has over 15 years full-time experience within the English Premier League, the majority of those spent as a Head of Department. The Harris & Ross football player offering utilises proven rehabilitation protocols and offers Gold Standard testing methods to maximise performance and minimise the chances of re-injury upon return to playing. We offer a comprehensive football rehabilitation programme for ANY sporting injury for players of ANY age, who perform at ANY level.
Consultancy Options:
Harris & Ross are one of the only physiotherapy practices in the UK to have in house objective assessments, which means we can treat top level footballers with Gold Standard tests.
• Screening / baseline data provision (IKD, Jump Testing, Optogait)
• Second opinion consultations
• Full term or supporting level rehabilitation services
• Long term injury management
• Pre & post-operative care packages
We can also provide transport to and from the clinic with our ‘support service’ packages, plus organise fast track imaging & appointments with the best consultants in the country.
‘I have known Andy Renshaw a long time and cannot recommend him highly enough. The service he offers in partnership with Harris and Ross is an unbeatable option for the footballing community. It will provide players, coaches, and existing club healthcare staff with elite level support to ensure a swift return to competition’
Meet The Harris & Ross Football Rehabilitation Team
Jeff Ross Andy Renshaw Dave Williams
The Football Rehabilitation department can work with all levels of footballers from pro to amateur, from single patients to full teams. If you are interested in a consultation please contact alex@harrisandross.co.uk to discuss your requirements or call 0161 832 9000.