Frequently Asked: “Should I be having pre / post event treatment?”

event pre / post treatment

As Physios, one question we hear a lot is – should I be having pre / post event treatment? What are the benefits of having pre or post treatment? Will it help my performance during the event? Any athlete, professional or amateur, will greatly benefit from pre and post event Sports Massage.  The aims of […]

“Fantastic advice and attention”

Fantastic advice and attention

We love receiving your feedback and this was a good one from Fran Quigley, who received ‘fantastic advice and attention’ from Sophie Tucker. “I commenced my physio treatment with Sophie at the end of January this year. I found the pre- Covid appointments helpful and insightful. They got me off on the right foot (pun […]

Frequently Asked: “How do I know if I need a scan or an X-Ray?”

Do I need a scan or X-Ray?

Dave, our popular Wilmslow based Senior Physiotherapist, is frequently asked: do I need a scan or an X-Ray? Here he explains his answer…… “The answer to this question will be injury dependent. There isn’t always a right or wrong. We should ask ourselves; “will having some imaging done change the management and decision making?” These […]

Sports Spotlight on: Swimming

common swimming injuries

Next up under the ‘sport spotlight’, is Swimming. A popular sport that’s been missed by many during 2020, our Physio Becky (in our Altrincham and Wilmslow clinics) takes a look at common injuries; tips for treatment and prevention, and making the most of your time in the pool….. With swimming pools starting to reopen, pros […]

Sports Spotlight on: Running

Sports Spotlight on Running

This week we caught up with Oliver Taylor, our Wilmslow based Podiatrist / Chiropodist / Foot man, for our Sports Spotlight on Running and how to avoid injury …… “On the 19th March 2020, gyms around the country officially closed their doors due to the Corona Virus Pandemic, and continued to stay shut until the […]

Frequently Asked: “How soon can I…………?”

Clockface How soon

How Soon Can I ………? A question our Physios get asked very frequently is “How soon after surgery can I return to…… work / driving /  sport /  normal / etc? ” Our Wigan Physiotherapist Stef has given us her thoughts…….. There are lots of different factors influencing this answer; depending on what surgery you […]

Sports Spotlight on: Tennis

Sports spotlight tennis

Tennis is undoubtedly an explosive and high impact sport; lower limb joints are particularly stressed e.g. hip, ankle and knee. Even through the upper body is not in a weight bearing position, the trunk, torso, shoulder elbow and wrist take a lot of force enabling us to generate the speed and accuracy of certain shots. […]

Frequently asked: Should I stop when it hurts?

Should I stop when it hurts?

One question we get asked a lot here at Harris & Ross is “should I stop XYZ when it hurts?”. Here, our Physio Dave Williams answers…… The answer to this is not always! It will depend on the problem and situation but pain does not always relate to damage or harm particularly with lower back […]

Sports spotlight on: Rugby

Rugby sports spotlight

We caught up with our physio John Gripper, on all things Rugby related….. What injuries do you see most often from this sport?   You get a fair bit of everything in rugby. Shoulder problems are common – things like dislocations and AC Joint sprains (the highest point of the shoulder blade is called the acromion. Strong tissues […]