“Fantastic advice and attention”

We love receiving your feedback and this was a good one from Fran Quigley, who received ‘fantastic advice and attention’ from Sophie Tucker. “I commenced my physio treatment with Sophie at the end of January this year. I found the pre- Covid appointments helpful and insightful. They got me off on the right foot (pun […]
Frequently Asked: “How do I know if I need a scan or an X-Ray?”

Dave, our popular Wilmslow based Senior Physiotherapist, is frequently asked: do I need a scan or an X-Ray? Here he explains his answer…… “The answer to this question will be injury dependent. There isn’t always a right or wrong. We should ask ourselves; “will having some imaging done change the management and decision making?” These […]
Sports Spotlight on: Swimming

Next up under the ‘sport spotlight’, is Swimming. A popular sport that’s been missed by many during 2020, our Physio Becky (in our Altrincham and Wilmslow clinics) takes a look at common injuries; tips for treatment and prevention, and making the most of your time in the pool….. With swimming pools starting to reopen, pros […]